Tuesday, April 23, 2013

mmmm musiiiiic

Tormenting the boys to the sound of Two Steps From Hell :D

I'm in a rare "write until your fingers fall off" mood, which hasn't happened in quite awhile, so I'm working more on the Gravemen sequel.

Since I usually write at a snail's pace, I may at some point put little excerpts up here, if only so I have something to do with the story while I chew on it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Giveaway Winners

 Ok, time for the giveaway to come to an end! I held off until late tonight just to be safe.

I had my sister randomly draw the names, and the winners are Darcy and Suhely!
I'll be emailing you sometime tonight or tomorrow. If you see this before you get my email, go ahead and let me know which ebook format you'd like. :)

Thanks to everyone for dropping by and expressing such an interest <3333

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

blog hop schedule

So the blog tour kicked off the other day, and I completely forgot to put links here for anyone keenly interested in seeing me babble nervously about The Gravemen. Here are the lovely people letting me have a guest spot on their blogs:

On the 15th I was over at Babes in Boyland
Today I was at It's Raining Men
The ones still coming up are:
17th- The Armchair Reader
18th- World of Diversity Fiction
and it looks like I'll be wrapping it up with Megan Derr.

Thanks to those who came over from any of these guest posts to put in their name for the giveaway. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013


Just got my ebook copies of The Gravemen.

Is it weird that I'm so jazzed about the beautiful font they used for the chapters?

I'm a little weird.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog tour + Giveaway

Less Than Three Press is doing a blog hop to celebrate their fourth anniversary (go throw confetti at them!). I'm supposed to be dropping by a few blogs to talk a bit about The Gravemen. More details later, though it looks like the first one kicks off on the 15th over at Babes in Boyland.

Anywho, in celebration and to thank people that drop by the various blogs to see me babble about Asdelar and Hinego, I'll be giving away 2 ebook copies of The Gravemen. To get in the drawing, you can either comment on the blog post where I'm doing a guest spot, or comment here and mention which guest spot you saw that led you over here. Easy peasy. :)

Ah, also-- you can apparently preorder The Gravemen now at a discount that lasts until April 16th. :)

Edit: Oops, I forgot to mention-- I'll be drawing the winners after the blog tour is done, so on the 20th. That way even people who see the later posts have a chance.