Tuesday, April 16, 2013

blog hop schedule

So the blog tour kicked off the other day, and I completely forgot to put links here for anyone keenly interested in seeing me babble nervously about The Gravemen. Here are the lovely people letting me have a guest spot on their blogs:

On the 15th I was over at Babes in Boyland
Today I was at It's Raining Men
The ones still coming up are:
17th- The Armchair Reader
18th- World of Diversity Fiction
and it looks like I'll be wrapping it up with Megan Derr.

Thanks to those who came over from any of these guest posts to put in their name for the giveaway. :)


  1. Hi,
    "The Gravemen" looks great. I saw the info about your book at both Babes in Boyland and It's Raining Men, and wonder if you would add my name to the drawing, please.
    donnafisk at bellsouth.net

  2. I saw your post on Babes in Boyland, and I'm there with you, Melissa. I have a thing for those emotionally stunted ones, too. They can just be so fun to watch over the course of a story. As with much in the fictional world, maybe you wouldn't want them in your real world, but for entertainment value, you're glad they exist.

    Thanks for the chance to win The Gravemen.

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

    1. ahaha I knowww
      As fun as it is to write uber grumpy characters, I think I'd strangle people like Hinego if I met them in person.
      I'll enter you in the drawing! :)

  3. Loved the blurb! Please count me in. Thanks!!!


  4. Congrats on your new release! I love the premise, and the short excerpt was a great read too. I love stories that have a good emotional angst too.
    Wishing you all the best, and congrats again..*S*

    pomma @akwolf.com

    1. Thank you! :D
      lol writing angst is always so much fun for me than reading it.
      You've been entered :)

  5. I came over from World of Diversity Fiction and would love to be entered into the drawing. I too love fantasy because it is possible to correct major flaws in our current reality!


  6. Thank you for the giveaway! Your book sounds really exciting! I came over from The Armchair Reader and would love to be entered in the drawing!

    1. Ups, sorry, I forgot to include my email address :-(

      stormymonday AT gmx DOT net

    2. Thank you! You've been entered :)

  7. I read the blurb on Babes in Boyland and it sounded so good. I would love to read it!
    Jay xxjsc929xx@yahoo.com

    1. Thank you~ :D You've been entered into the drawing

  8. I want iiiin on this, especially after reading the excerpt at Babes in Boyland. I know I should want them to make out and stuff, but I really want to see them slap fight away their differences. I suspect Hinego would secretly make a mighty fine slap champion.

    Yup so montoyacomic at gmail dot com

  9. I would like to join in the contest, I came over from Megan's livejournal. I am nothingsaid1 At gmail. I love bickering relationship beginnings.

    1. Me too :D They're so fun kekekeke
      Thanks, you've been entered :)

  10. Visiting from Megan's lj, I would love to be included in the contest. The excerpt was interesting =D

    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  11. Hey, I'd love to be entered. I slipped in from over yonder at Megan's blog. My email is klparrishokc @ yahoo.com

  12. Hi - I'm golden_bastet at Livejournal, here via Megan. I hadn't heard of The Gravemen, but it sounds pretty intriguing! and would like to enter the drawing. :-)

    I'm me at yahoo, thx.
